#Sophie Rundle bodyguard
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camyfilms · 1 year ago
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The thing is, David/Dave, I don't need you to vote for me, only to protect me.
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miasmultifandomdump · 2 years ago
David Budd reconciling with his wife is the perfect ending
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Sophie Rundle on Bodyguard Season 1
as Vicky on Bodyguard [S01|E01]
Information on beautifulfaces
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marlagraysonn · 3 years ago
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We love a signature pose 👒♥️
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rivriv03 · 3 years ago
Week 7: Sophie Rundle
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1038276637 · 4 years ago
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Bodyguard (2018)|Episode 6
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ultrahpfan5blog · 4 years ago
Bodyguard - an exercise in ridiculous amounts of tension building
So I was a few years late to the party when it comes to Bodyguard. I remember the show was a rage 2-3 years ago and it drew a lot of acclaim, particularly for Madden, who I knew from GoT. Just from the gist of it, it definitely felt like something I would like but somehow I always kept forgetting about it. But now I've finally caught up with it and finished it last night on Netflix. And as I mentioned in the title of this post, this show is a glorious exercise in ridiculous amounts of tension building.
The thing that struck me about the show is how I felt absolutely exhausted while watching the show. Most shows ebb and flow. They usually have episodes where you can breathe before they kick into high gear. Bodyguard is not one of those shows. Every single episode is incredibly intense, be it emotionally or due to the action and suspense. There is literally no letup. So much so that even during the happy ending of the Budd family driving off, I was still gripping my knuckles, half expecting for the car to explode. Thankfully that didn't happen. That is a rare experience. And for a thriller, that is about the best praise I can give. It delivers on the thrills.
The narrative is a fascinating web of political intrigue, terrorism, espionage, and organized crime. All covering a base story about a man who is suffering from PTSD and is not doing anything about it and his personal life is suffering as a result. The show gives us a lot of characters. And as a result, the story goes a lot of different directions, but its impressive how well interlinked it all is. There are also some bold narrative choices, chief among them is the decision to kill the female lead midway through the series. Julia Montague was a fascinating character that we neither love nor hate but she constantly interesting and she's essentially co-lead with Madden in the first three episodes. The decision to kill her off could have upset the balance of the show but its pulled off marvelously because her presence looms over the remainder of the show so it doesn't even feel like she's completely gone. There are so many characters that the show very effectively picks up the slack. I will say the first half the season is more political thriller while the second half of the season moves into espionage and investigative thriller and both parts fit together seamlessly.
In terms of performances, Richard Madden is outstanding. He was really good in GoT but here he just holds the screen at every moment. You feel like he's not getting a moment's relief either. You immediately form an attachment to him from the first scene on the train where he's desperately trying to save lives. Yet, he's also deeply frustrating because you can see he's not quite right and his refusal to get help also helps you empathize with his wife and why she is distancing her self. Sophie Rundle as Vicky is very effective. At first you genuinely feel she's being a little unfair on David but as you go further along, you see that she had valid reasons to be frustrated with David. And then she comes through for David in a big way in the finale. As I mentioned above, Julia Montague is an incredibly compelling character and Keeley Hawes gets a lot of credit for creating that morally grey character who is consistently compelling. The acting across the board is excellent but a few who stand out are Nina Toussaint-White and Ash Tandon as the two investigators who work with David after Julia's death, and Gina McKee as the head of the counter terrorism command. Special mention to Anjli Mohindra as Nadia, who is excellent on the show and her character's turn in the finale is superbly acted.
All in all, the show is a treat for those who love the thriller genre. It honestly delivers everything you want in the genre. If I have a minor complaint, it is that the organized crime angle comes very late on the show and ends up being the key angle. But other than that, its a superb show and worth watching. A 9/10.
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denimbex1986 · 3 years ago
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favoritou · 3 years ago
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SINOPSE: David Budd é um veterano de guerra que agora trabalha para o Serviço de Polícia Metropolitano de Londres. Quando ele é designado para ser o guarda-costas da secretária do Ministério de Administração Interna do Reino Unido, cuja política representa tudo o que despreza, Budd se vê dividido entre seu dever e suas crenças. A minissérie com apenas 6 (seis) episódios, de aproximadamente uma hora de duração cada, foi lançada em 2018 e se tornou um dos grandes sucessos do catálogo da Netflix.
Digo sem medo que é uma das melhores séries do Catálogo!
Segurança em Jogo conta a história de David Budd, um veterano de guerra. Ele é interpretado por Richard Madden, o Robb Stark de Game of Thrones. Atualmente ele está em Eterno, novo filme do Marvel Studios.
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Madden está excelente, atuando de maneira impecável ao dar vida a um personagem tão complexo.
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A atriz Keeley Hawes interpreta Julia Montague, uma poderosa, competente e ambiciosa secretária de Estado.
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Não conhecia o trabalho da atriz e me encantei. Ela é maravilhosa!
Temos ainda Sophie Rundle (Ada Shelby em Peaky Blinders), interpretando Vicky, espos de David Budd.
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Gina Mckee interpreta a comandante Anne Sampson, chefe do Comando Antiterrorista da Polícia Metropolitana.
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Shubham Saraf (Criminal - França) como Tahir Mahmood, assessor de relações públicas. Acho esse ator excelente!
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Nina Toussaint-White como a Detetive Sargento Louise Rayburn.
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Ash Tandon como Detetive Chefe Deepak Sharma. Também gostei bastante da atuação dele.
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Uma trama instigante, envolvente e frenética!
O foco da série é mostrar os bastidores sombrios da política e faz com maestria, entregando um excelente roteiro e uma série bem produzida, sem pontas soltas e que te prende do inicio ao fim!
Me surpreendi positivamente com a série e acho que ela merece total reconhecimento!
✨A produção recebeu ótimas criticas acumulando 88 pontos no Metacritic.
✨Os números de visualização da série foram altos, com 10,4 milhões de pessoas assistindo o episódio final ao vivo.
✨ Simon Heath, um dos produtores do seriado garantiu que a segunda temporada deve acontecer em algum momento.
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rita-morgan · 5 years ago
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Not quite. It was a blank round. Well why did you use a blank? I didn’t know it was.
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scenesandscreens · 5 years ago
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Bodyguard, Season One (2018)
Directed by Thomas Vincent & John Strickland
Cinematography by John Lee
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estoy-full · 4 years ago
Oh my god
The bodyguard was really good. Just wanted to hug David and stuff. And this beautiful face. Oh my god. I'm just speechless.
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hozierandco · 4 years ago
David Budd x OFC Fanfiction - Chapter One
First Chapter to this fanfiction, it comes with TW (family issues, Conservative / Tory piece of s-it, act of domestic terrorism)
Ever since she was old enough to understand what her father's occupation was, Millie Vaughn had despised it. She had wished her father to be a banker, or a doctor or even a farmer. Why not. Anything but a politician and moreover a Conservative one.
From the moment she could have taken her independence, she did unceremoniously. She had left her mother, her two brothers and her father and never came back. It was as though she had never belonged in this clan. Of her relatives, she only kept the contact with her oldest brother who, like her did not share their father's political opinions and tried to remain cordial with her mother.
She had come to London to start working on her own as a graphic designer, thus exiling from her native Plymouth. Her very first days in the capital had been an epiphany. In primary school, she never had much friends due to her shyness. In middle school, she was too busy getting good grades to please her parents. In high school, her classmates started understanding - like her - what a Tory was and that anyone related to them was condemned to mockery. No one wanted to be seen next to her but her best friend, Peter. Peter and Millie had always known each other and Peter, unlike others did not care about Millie's father for he knew that Millie was different from her patriarch.
Indeed, in high school, in order to make clear to anyone that she did not share her father's anti-immigration statements and internalized xenophobia, she led demonstrations to fight against student loans or against racism. In fact, the only perk of having a politician as a father was that from the experience, she drew radical political opinions for herself. She had become a student representative, which caused quite some fuss in her household and that her father had perceived as a mandatory teenage angst.
Ring from her phone. A text had landed.
Peter, 7.51 pm: How's London treating ya, princess?
Millie, 7.52 pm: It'd be better with you around, when r u coming?
Peter, 7.52 pm: Soon :))
Her longstanding pal always knew how to cheer her up, even from a long distance. They held a conversation through interposed mobile phones for a couple of hours before the tone changed from amicable to alarming.
Peter, 10.03 pm: Fuck, did u see the news?
Millie instead of texting back directly turned on the telly. As soon as the tube was on, it was everywhere, she could not have missed it. Images of panick flashing from the BBC, ITV, Channel 4. The news hit her as a hurricane would.
BREAKING NEWS: Tory MP D. McAllister Taken Into A&E After Poisoning
- MI5 and Scotland Yard Suspect Terrorist Act -
Peter, 10.08 pm: I'm calling u asap
Shaken to the core, Millie had not seen her friend's text and was thus surprised when he called what seemed an eternity to her but that was in fact five minutes.
Her voice quivered as she tried to make sense. Although she was not a massive fan of Tories in general and of her father in particular, such an act was surreal to her. Her mother had shown signs of worrying a few weeks before Millie left for London as she knew her husband was about to vote for a controversial law related to undocumented refugees.
Yes, I'm sure it's linked to that, Pete, Millie said through the device.
Do you want me to talk to your parents? I can visit them tomorrow if you want.
No, no, it's fine, I'll call my mom tonight, as well as Anthony, she replied mentioning her brother of two years her senior. I should leave you now to call them immediately. I'll let you know.
I hope so! Try to sleep tonight and we'll talk later!
Millie hung up and directly contacted her mother.
Oh, honey, I was about to call you. Your dad has made some calls and we have decided to place you, Ant and Bob under the protection of a bodyguard.
What? Isn't it a bit sudden?
Silence from the other end.
Millie, there's something we kept from you and your brothers... Oh, we thought it was just a joke, really... But tonight... Well...
Mum? You're not making any sense!
Your dad received some death threats a few weeks ago... It stopped for a while but it started again yesterday...
The final straw. How could she possibly appreciate her father after that? He had ruined her life and even from a distance kept on making a hell out of her life.
Forget it! I'm not gonna be followed by a bodyguard everywhere I go, mum! I've got a life and a job!
The latter hung up.
At the risk of being in danger, Millie chose to be free.
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marlagraysonn · 3 years ago
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Stunning queen 🖤
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richardmaddendaily · 6 years ago
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David Budd + Vicky
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sofuckingchuffed · 6 years ago
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Bodyguard Appreciation Week
↳ Day 4: Favourite Dynamic - David and Vicky 
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